mandate of lebanon造句


  1. France regained Alsace-Lorraine and occupied the German industrial Mandate of Lebanon.
  2. The French Mandate of Lebanon border, thus classifying it a part of Lebanese territory.
  3. The French Mandate of Lebanon exercised authority and take political and economic decisions in the territory.
  4. The new cathedral was used for official celebrations at the time of the French Mandate of Lebanon.
  5. In 1926-1937, he served in the Foreign Ministry in France and in the French Mandate of Lebanon.
  6. It's difficult to find mandate of lebanon in a sentence. 用mandate of lebanon造句挺难的
  7. During this period Syria was known as the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon was known as the French Mandate of Lebanon.
  8. From 19 April to 26 April 1920 the General Henri Gouraud then occupied the Mandate of Syria and the Mandate of Lebanon.
  9. But soon afterwards, the French Mandate of Lebanon gave him the opportunity to put into practice his vision for his country Lebanon.
  10. Following the collapse of the empire after World War I, the five provinces that constitute modern Lebanon came under the French Mandate of Lebanon.
  11. El-Zein opposed the 1920 French mandate of Lebanon under the League of Nations and participated in a national conference in Beirut in support of the Syrian Revolt.
  12. In April 1924, Hunin and six other villages, and an estimated 20 other settlements, were transferred from the French Mandate of Lebanon to the British Mandate of Palestine by France.
  13. In 1937, evading an arrest warrant, he fled Palestine and took refuge successively in the French Mandate of Lebanon and the Kingdom of Iraq, until he established himself in Nazi Germany.
  14. He was the first President of Lebanon ( before independence ) and served from September 1, 1926 till January 2, 1934, under the French Mandate of Lebanon ( known as Greater Lebanon ).
  15. It was one of the 24 villages transferred from the French mandate of Lebanon to British control in 1924 in accordance with the 1923 demarcation of the border between the Mandatory Palestine and the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon.
  16. After World War I, Trad returned to Beirut as an ally of the French and founded the " League of Christian Sects ", which comprised the elite of Beirut society and demanded a French Mandate of Lebanon and Syria.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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